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Multi-lingual eDiscovery Case Study

CYFOR were approached by a high-profile law firm based in London to provide digital forensic and multi-lingual eDiscovery services for a multi-million-pound shareholder litigation, which spanned 4 years.

Multi-lingual eDiscovery

The litigation was based upon fraudulent activity, with the investigation primarily taking place within the UK, but with a large majority of the electronic data stored on servers in Saudi Arabia.
The electronic material was of a highly sensitive nature and the CYFOR team had to locate and identify the data, undertaking the relevant keyword searches whilst on site in the Middle East. To achieve this, a portable version of Nuix Collector was used, which allowed us to complete the whole investigation onsite, to the satisfaction of the client.

CYFOR Forensics Expert

CYFOR Forensics Director Keith Cottenden, who has over 20 years’ experience in digital forensics, was called as an expert witness in the case. He provided concrete digital forensic evidence to support the client’s defence in the matter. In reference to Mr Cottenden’s crucial evidence, The Honourable Mr Justice Hildyard overlooking the case stated that;

“I think it is appropriate for me to record that the evidence of the expert who gave verbal evidence before me provided impressive support for the case. The emails said to provide the evidence were fabricated, and the alleged transcripts of conversations revised and manipulated, similarly, the emails were rather crude forgeries”

Through the digital forensic expert analysis of CYFOR, it ultimately transpired that the allegations against the client were entirely falsified. The CYFOR team returned several times to the Middle East to continue data recovery and analysis throughout the duration of the case. Often acting on extremely short notice and staying onsite for as long as the investigation required.

Key Elements

  • Digital forensic onsite collection
  • Location: Saudi Arabia, Middle East
  • 4-year instruction
  • Highly sensitive data
  • Multi-lingual data
  • Onsite processing of data
  • Onsite keyword application
  • CYFOR mentioned in the judgement
  • Evidence crucial to the successful outcome
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