2023 is going to see further changes in the mobile network infrastructure and with it a continued prevalence of GPRS data. The 3G network is now nearly 20 years old and we’ve seen a reduction in the use of the 3G networks and a slow winding down of it. What we’re going to see for some networks is the complete closure of the 3G networks, with Vodaphone, for example, looking to close off the 3G network altogether by December 2023.
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) events represent when a phone connects to the internet during which lots of application-based activity can take place. But what does this mean? Well, people are constantly changing the way they use their mobile phones and the prevalence of faster data connections on 4G and 5G means that people are moving away from traditional calls and traditional text messages and using more application-based communication which in turn brings more GPRS sessions in the data that we analyse.
The interpretation of this data needs to be handled extremely carefully to make sure that the data is interpreted correctly as each data provides different data in different formats each of which needs to be interpreted individually, not only based on the network but based on the specific event.
Cell Site Expertise
Thankfully the team of cell site experts at CYFOR have the training and experience in the interpretation and analysis of GPRS data and are prepared for the increase in the provision of this data in evidential matters. View our cell site services for more information on how we can assist with cell evidence within criminal defense, family law and corporate investigations.
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